How to accept the way you see yourself

Take Control of Your Self-Esteem: Transform Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones!

Do you want to change the way that you see yourself? It can be difficult to break out of negative thought patterns, but with some dedicated practice, you can learn to view yourself in a healthier and more positive light. The process of changing the way you see yourself involves understanding what is causing your self-defeating thoughts and behaviors, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses, setting achievable goals, developing new skills, and building healthier relationships with oneself and others. With knowledge and hard work, it is possible to transform the way you see yourself into something more positive.

5 Steps to accept the way you see yourself.

Stop right now and think of this question: Is the way you look and think about yourself helping you or hindering you?  It's time to take a step back and assess how you are viewing yourself.

1. Identify Your Negative Thoughts: The first step in changing the way you think about yourself is to recognize what negative thoughts you have about yourself. When these negative thoughts arise, take a moment to identify the thought and then challenge it by asking if it’s true or not.

2. Take Responsibility for Your Actions: When you make a mistake or fail to do something, accept responsibility for it. It’s important not to place blame on anyone else and instead take ownership of your mistakes and failures. Doing so will help you recognize that you are in control of the situation and can learn from it.

3. Spend Time With Positive People: Surrounding yourself with people who appreciate and support you can help you to view yourself in a more positive light. Find people who are encouraging and uplifting, as they will be able to offer you the support that you need to focus on your strengths.

4. Practice Positive Self-Talk: It’s important to practice speaking positively about yourself. Instead of speaking negatively about yourself, use words that are uplifting and build your confidence. For example, instead of thinking “I can’t do this” try saying “I will do my best to achieve this.”

5. Celebrate Your Accomplishments: A great way to boost your self-esteem is to celebrate the things that you’ve accomplished. No matter how big or small, recognize and appreciate all of your successes. Doing so will help you to view yourself in a more positive light and realize your potential.

By following these steps, you can start changing the way you think about yourself and ultimately become more confident in your abilities. Remember, it’s important to be kind to yourself and take the time to recognize all of your strengths!

Online resources to help you accept the way you see yourself

There are many online resources available to help you change the way you see yourself.

Three of the most helpful ones are:

  1. 8 Ways to Accept Yourself

  2. The path to self-acceptance paved through daily practice

  3. What Is Self-Acceptance? 25 Exercises + Definition & Quotes

Offline Resources to help accept the way you see yourself

1. Danny’s Place Programs: DPYLCJr - A weekly group to help individuals build self-esteem and practice communication skills.

2. Danny’s Place Programs: ConnectNite- Weekly group to connect Middle Scholers to connect and learn more about themselves.

Books that can help you accept the way you see yourself

Feeling inspired and looking for an interesting read?

Look no further than your local bookstore! There is something special about buying at your local bookstore; knowing that you are supporting your community by purchasing items locally.

1. The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life by Brian Tracy

2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

3. The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Build Confidence and Achieve Your Goals by Lisa Schab


Having a strong sense of self-confidence can be life-changing, allowing you to become unstoppable and unafraid in every area of your life. By focusing on building positive traits such as self-respect and resilience through these works or similar ones, you will be able to gain more confidence within yourself which could ultimately lead to success in all areas of your life.