Danny’s Place Illness Policy

Updated 3/2024

We aim to ensure the safety and health of our participants and staff. Please review the following to determine if coming to Danny’s Place is appropriate.

  • Overall, if you are not well enough to attend school, then you are not well enough to attend Danny’s Place. Please email your program leader and let them know you will not be attending the program that day.

    • If you are experiencing any symptoms (such as a new cough, sneezing, runny nose, fever, chills) please let us know that you will not be attending Danny’s Place that day. 

  • COVID Considerations:

    • If you test positive, regardless of vaccination status, please stay home. 

      • You may return to our programs after 5 days (on day 6) as long as:

        • You have no symptoms

        • You continue to wear a mask whenever you are around others for 5 additional days

        • You have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication

      • If a household member has tested positive, please obtain a negative test result before attending DPYS programs that day (antigen or PCR - home tests included). 

        • Even with a negative test, please wear a mask while at Danny’s Place due to close contact in the home.

  • Danny’s Place is a mask-friendly space. We encourage participants and staff to wear a mask based on an individual’s comfort level. Masks will be available for staff and participants to use based on comfort level.

Contact us if you have any questions about this policy