Perseverance: Why It Matters and How to Develop It

We all face hardships and setbacks in life. It's how we respond to those challenges that define us. Those who are able to dust themselves off and keep moving forward despite the odds are said to have persevered.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines perseverance as "to continue in spite of difficulty or discouragement." When we persevere, we push through the tough times and come out stronger on the other side. 

Perseverance is an important quality to develop because it can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. It's not always easy to be persistent, but it is a skill that can be learned with practice. In this blog post, we'll explore why perseverance matters and offer some tips on how you can develop this important character trait.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill

Why Perseverance Matters

Perseverance is essential for success in any area of life. Whether you're trying to learn a new skill, start a business, or get good grades in school, you won't achieve your goals unless you're willing to put in the hard work and maintain a positive attitude even when things get tough.

The ability to persevere is especially important in today's world because we often face more challenges and setbacks than ever before. With instant access to information and constant comparison on social media, it's easy to feel like we're not good enough or that we'll never reach our goals. But if we give up every time things get tough, we'll never get anywhere.

5 Tips for Developing Perseverance

Here are a few suggestions for developing the character trait of perseverance:

  1. Set realistic goals for yourself and break them down into small, manageable steps. Trying to accomplish too much at once can be overwhelming and lead to discouragement.

  2. Find a role model or mentor who embodies the qualities you admire and ask for their advice. Seeing someone else achieve what you want to achieve can be very motivating.

  3. Write down your reasons for wanting to achieve your goal and read them aloud every day as a reminder of why you're doing this.

  4. Make a plan for how you will deal with setbacks so that you don't become discouraged when they happen (and they will happen). For example, if your goal is to eat healthy and you have a slip-up, don't beat yourself up about it--just get back on track with your next meal.

  5. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Every step forward is worth celebrating!


    3 Reasons Why You Should Persevere 

    1. You'll become stronger. Every time you face a challenge and persevere, you become a little bit stronger. You develop resilience and grit - two important qualities that will serve you well throughout your life.

    2. You'll develop a growth mindset. By definition, perseverance requires effort and determination. It means that you're not going to give up at the first sign of difficulty but instead, you're going to keep going even when things get tough. This type of mindset leads to growth because it allows us to see adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow instead of something that should stop us in our tracks.

    3. You'll achieve your goals. This one is pretty simple - if you never give up, eventually you will achieve your goal. Every success story out there is a result of someone who didn't give up even when the odds were against them. Every time you face a challenge and come out the other side, you're one step closer to achieving whatever it is that you're striving for.

    If you’d like some help prioritizing tasks you can take a look at one of our Resources DECISION MATRIX and also, we made a TikTok about it!

    In Conclusion, Keep Moving Forward ⏩

    Developing perseverance is an important part of achieving success in any area of life Because it allows us to overcome challenges, maintain a positive attitude, reach our goals, and keep moving forward despite setbacks.

    Set realistic goals for yourself, find individuals whose journeys inspire you, and make sure to celebrate even the smallest accomplishment!

    You got this! ✨

    See you next time! 👋